What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great Dane!

I have been gone for a couple of days and came home to a couple of classic quotes today.

First, Dane had been outside. When he came in Cyndie was making no-bake cookies and flatbread. Dane said, "Mmmm... something smells good in the steak of Denmark!"

Second, I was on the road last week during the Innauguration and grabbed a Tuesday and Wednesday copy of USA Today (each with President Obama on the cover.) I thought they'd make good visual aides for talking with the kids about how government works, how blessed we are to live in a country where we get to elect our leaders and such. I asked Dane who was in the picture. He matter-of-factly said, "Obama, our President." So I followed up with a question about how he got to be President. Dane shrugged and asked, "Stopped smoking?"

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did you know?

This week we witnessed a historic event. President Obama was innagurated as the first African American President of the United States.

WARNING: The following entry is pretty political, the fun family stuff is below.

I haven't waxed political on this blog, but here are a few observations under the Heading "You have to dig to figure this out":

1) The Constitution works. We had a peaceful transition from the end of the Bush Administration to the beginning of the Obama Administration. Ask yourself how many people dream that political transitions in their countries occur in relative peace.

2) Government is not designed to act quickly. Even with clear and decisive majorities in both Houses of Congress, there is not unanimity on how policies will go forward (or even which policies will go forward). President Obama wanted a stimulus package on his desk Jan 21. Didn't happen. I have read lots of reports on the stimulus bill, and I am not convinced it is all bad.

First let me say that I don't really consider myself a Keynesian. I think JMK's principles work in the short-term (building roads and bridges will employ people, and require lots of freight rail!!), but can hide fundamental problems with the economic and fiscal policies that will impede long-term growth. For example, high tax rates needed to support (or partially offset) significant deficit spending can impair firms' ability to earn an adequate return on capital invested. This means that further deficit spending is necessary, ultimately crating a system that only works by offering returns based on new tax revenues, not profits at or above the cost of capital. If you haven't been watching the news lately, you might not see a clear parallel between the Keynsian Model and one Mr. Bernard Madoff.

There are good results from a short-term stimulus that likely cannot come from tax breaks alone. However, there are aspects of... OK, I am getting too in depth for a family blog. If you want to talk economics and poly sci, give me a call.

3) Seemingly insignificant omissions and inclusions are used to sway opinion. Let me preface this by disclosing that I am currently reading "The Irregulars", a historical documentary about how the British Intelligence Service used their connections in government, the press, Hollywood, and the US Intelligence community to sway US popular opinion and get Roosevelt to join Churchill in the war in Europe.

One of President Obama's first acts was to reverse several of President Bush's Executive Orders. One that has recieved lots of press is that the US will now fund International Aid Agencies that perform abortions or counsel regardign abortions (President Reagan stopped the practice, Bush 41 continued it and Clinton reversed the policy. Bush 43 re-instituted it, and I suspect this will continue to see-saw for as long as there are two parties.) Other Executive Orders included closing Gitmo (Guantanamo, Cuba. I wonder if FĂ©lix Cortez from Clancy's Clear and Present Danger is still there--book version, in the movie he died), ending certain coerced interregation practices deemed torture, and another reversal of policy regarding stem cell research.

Having listened to President Obama during the campaign and in the months since the election, I can understand why he made these decisions. They are in line with his party's platform, and were part of the agenda he promised to carry out.

In the past few days I have read literally scores of articles that laud President Obama's decision to "end the Bush Administration's ban on stem cell research." Here's the rub. There was no ban on stem cell research. Never has been. Acknowledging that some Americans consider the destruction of an embryo a murderous act, Bush 43 enacted a policy that federal tax funds would not be used to fund further research on stem cells with the exception of existing strains. Given that this is such an emotionally heated subject, and fearing that expanded funding by the government would lead to more embryos being created explicitly for research (hence explicitly to be destroyed), I think he struck a fair compromise. Enter President Obama's executive order. Federal funding is the ban he has lifted (along with the expansion of strains to include all newly discovered strains), however, only in remote corners is there clarity of what was banned. It is diffucult to concede that this isn't a planned attack on President Bush as a small minded religious bigot/zealot who doesn't care about others. Wow. In a time when we all need to tighten our belts, is it really the best time to introduce new avenues for federal funds to flow from Washington?

Sometimes you gotta fight to be a man!

Kenny Rogers' "Coward of the County" introduced us to a boy called "Yellow". That color takes on a whole new meaning when it's wrapped around your midsection by a Sensei in your local dojo.

For a few months now, Tate has been taking Karate. He really loves it and looks forward to his twice-a-week classes. This month he was invited to test for his 10 kyu (one step above white belt).

The day started off with warm-ups. Students of every skill level were preparing for their tests.

Here's a pic of the class, students with the Sensai (Marius, back row left) and Senpai (Scott, back row right).

There were lots of cameras going off, so here's one I caught of Tate in "Classic Form." That's classic for Tate, not for Martial Arts!

After performing his routines, techniques and combinations, and showing an indomitable spirit, the review board called Tate (and Wade, left of Tate) to the table. Sensai Marius told the boys they were going to ask a few questions, to which Tate immediately replied. "Will it blend? That is the question!" The Sensai and the Senpai asked questions about his goals and why he wants to study karate. He told them that karate was something he always wanted to do, and that it is getting easier the more he practices. He wants to be a black belt, so he can be "graduated" from karate.

Here is Sensai Marius giving Tate his 10 kyu belt. We are all quite proud!

Great to be Eight!

Dane's Brithday was a huge event in the history of the cosmos. He's come a long way from the hospital in Coon Rapids, MN and a frosty -17 degree trip to the house. A singer, songwriter, performer, athlete and champion competitor, Dane makes our lives unique and wonderful.

We took a friend to see "Hotel for Dogs" for a special treat.

He is so proud to turn eight. Can't wait for Cub Scouts, but truth be told, the most excitement is that this is his Baptism Birthday. He went to the store and picked out his own Bible and Book of Mormon. When his name was embossed on each cover, he beamed!

Dane had an interview with the Bishop in preparation for his baptism. Dane was glad to share all the information he could muster. At the end of the interview, the Bishop reminded Dane that once he was baptised, he' be accountable.

Those huge D-Max eyes bugged right out of his head and he said "A cannibal!?!? I'm not going to eat people!" Needless to say, that was a big laugher.

Baptism is scheduled for January 31 (my birthday) and we are excited to gather family and friends for the event.

Here are some pics from the birthday events:

"Brother" (not sure the last time I heard Dane use Tate's actual name) assisted with the candle lighting on the official "Day of Eight"

Dane huffed, and puffed, and then realized that the sparking candles also relight themselves. It was our trick to get him to hyperventilate and pass out! (just kidding DCFS)
Dane asked for a "Pizza Cake" and the fact is, you can't stop Cyndie in the kitchen. She plotted and planned, experimented with various toppings and viola! Here's the finished product:

Here's a quick break-down of the cast and crew:
Starring vanilla frosting as "Mozzarella"
Fruit roll-up playing double duty as "Pepperoni" and "Green Peppers",
Tootsie-Roll in the supporting role of "Sausages"
Red Sugar as "Sauce"
Black Icing Gel as "Olives"
And Chocolate Icing as "The Upper Crust"

Holiday Cheer

Here's a post I started and never finished.... couldn't get the verbage right. Still not my best work, but if I don't publish now, I probably wont! :P

We have enjoyed being in Utah for the Holidays. Thanksgiving with Cyndie's family was lots of fun. We also had a great "adults only" dinner with my cousins Cyndi and Rick and their respective spouses Ron and Laura. They introduced us to our new favorite Greek restaurant in SLC: Aristo's. The lamb shank was absolutely succulent!

We also had a great opportunity to hit a uniquely Utah event: The Heber Creeper Polar Express. Ok, so I don't actually know that it is uniquely Utah, but I haven't seen it anywhere else.

Each Christmas season, the Heber Valley Railroad in Heber City, UT transforms into the Polar Express, hauling its payload around the scenic Heber Valley.

It is a great event. There is a Host/Reader and several Elven Helpers. Riders are treated to steaming hot chocolate and fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. Delicious! Aunt Becca is a reader and cousins Jana and Kate are elves. Jana and Kate were elving in our car. Becca was off that night, so she and cousins Ellie and Matt rode with us. It was great having Becca with us off so she got to fill us in on all the cool behinds the scenes 411. It was like a backstage pass at the Cirque du Soliel!

Here are some cool pics from the event:

The Christmas Man himself made the evening a total success with his cameo after we reached the north pole. That's Matt (left profile) in the foreground.
Cousin Jana (codename Sprinkles the Elf) escorted the Jolly One through our car.

Kris Kringle brought each child a Christmas bell. Upon receiving his, Dane looked at Father Christmas, and with all the sincerity he could muster, promised to always hear the ringing.

Among his proudest possessions, Dane wanted a pic of just his bell.

Cousin Kate, also an Elf, made sure Dane was in the know for bell care and such. Cousins Matt and Ellie stop for a snuggle with Papa Noel. The Elves look on in admiration.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some Other Christmas Joy

I was really bad at posting over the Holiday, and too bad becasue we had a lot of fun together. However, I didn't take tons of pics, so too bad for you, gentle reader (as Miss Manners would have me write).

Dane watched Ratatouille about 15 times over the Holidays. This is his best impersonation of Gusteau, Remy's muse.

Here's our tree. It was probably the best looking tree we ever had. The pine smell spread throughout the house and made the holiday feeling just right.

We ventured to Salt Lake City tourist destination, Temple Square, to see the lights. The night rocked! We rode the train into downtown, a really good call since it started sowing pretty hard on the way. The train was crowded, but fun, we didn't have an original idea, plus Neil Diamond was in concert as well as a Christmas concert at Abravanel Hall.
The flakes were falling fast and furious (though big and "flakey" for lack of a better description). Cyndie was a trooper (she gets cold some times).
I have never seen Dane be so stoic in a photo as this one.

The fountains were running full bore, and with the snow and the lights, there were dazzling glints of reflection all night long.

Wind earlier in the day had created a bit of ice on one walkway. Well, a little ice and a little inclination, and you have a free carnival ride for the masses. Dane, Tate and I were whipping down the slide. I did feet only, but the boys and the inevitable friends they made on this cool Christmas ice slide were sliding on bums, and doing belly slides (alternatively called "penguin" and "seal" mode).
When I took this pic, I thought Dane had fallen, but when I asked if he was OK, he looked at me and said indignantly, "Dad, that was my Ninja stop!"
I looked at the pic again, and sure enough, he's a ninja!

This is about when the batteries in my camera died, so no more pics from our journey to Temple Square.
We did see the Nativity display, the statues of the Prophets (Brigham Young's hair was a bit ske-wampus, and Tate told us several times that he needed to have his hair combed), and the Christus. There is audio accompanying the Nativity scene. Part of the dialogue is President Gordon B. Hinckley's testimony of the birth of the Savior. It was a very touching testimony. When Dane realized who's voice he was hearing, he looked up at me and said, "Dad, that's President Hinckley!" and then got a little emotional. We loved President Hinckley, and though the Lord in His mercy has provided us a new Prophet, we still miss President Hinckley's familiar style.

One last cool thing from the Holidays was that my sister, Becca (Aunt Bec, or One-Hecka-Becca to the boys) published her second book. We are very proud of her. The audience is teen girls, but I read it and truth be told, enjoyed it tremendously.
The title is "Bright Blue Miracle" by Becca Wilhite. Get your copy today!

I'll post some more stuff from the holidays later, but for now I have to get the garage a bit more clean.

Best Question Ever!

We got a new TV this year (not for Christmas, we waited for the real sales and still overspent). It's bigger than the old one (and has a much better picture! Hooray, we can watch Heroes and not have to guess what's going on in the dark scenes.

Anyway, the boys think they need to sit really close to the screen,

so we have been encouraging them to slide back so they can touch the couch with their hands...

This morning, they were watching and were way too close, so I reminded them that they should scoot back. Cyndie said, "Geez, get the freak away from the TV!!"

Tate and Dane jumped back, and, while frantically looking around the family room Tate asked, "Mom, what freak?" We all laughed when we realized he was trying to get the freak away from the TV, if only he could find the freak. Maybe we'll have to let him watch Napoleon Dynamite's dance moves.