What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

This is a Post from the Andersons. The Name of the Post is Merry Christmas 2012

Another year has passed, another season is behind us. The challenges have made us stronger.  The joys have made us happier.  In the end, we're better than we were a year ago.  We're thankful for all those who have helped us. For the opportunities to help others. And especially for our Savior who's birth we celebrate.

Enjoy these notable quotes from 2012 and a few pictures of our family. 

On Trek
(A 4-day, 30-mile Pioneer reenactment)
Tate (on day 1): This is stupid! We’re going to die!
Dad: You are doing great! Just keep it up a while longer.
Tate: I’m going to invent a time machine and go back and kill the person who invented Trek!
Trail Boss’s Wife to Dad: He’s doing great.
Dad: I’m afraid his complaining will wreck the experience for the other Trekkers.
Trail Boss’s Wife: He isn’t saying anything everyone else isn’t thinking.
Dad: Really? Other people are thinking ‘I’m going to invent a time machine and go back and kill the person who invented Trek!’?
(later that night after an 11 mile hike to camp)

 Tate: Do you have my slippers? (integral part of the sleep routine)
Dad (realizing they weren’t packed, and panicking at the potential for unraveling): No buddy, I didn’t pack them.
Tate: Oh, well. You know what they say: ‘Win some, lose some.’ Good night.
It really was the 18th Miracle. Only a higher power can make changes to “The Routine” acceptable.
On Dessert
 Mom, I love you when you make cookies, and other sweets and treats... in fact, I just love you.
On the Sorry State of the Car’s Back Seat 
I think we need a new car; I think this one is getting old and germs have found a home!


On Biology
There are these worms in Australia that are as big as ropes. 
O’course, that would just be nasty for the horses.

On Religion
While talking about the righteous being on the right hand of God, Cyndie explains that we want to choose the right, so we’re with the righteous and can be taught by Christ.  Christ won’t teach those who reject him.
Dane: Why won’t he talk to those people over there? Can’t he turn his head to the left?

“Is St Patrick’s Day a holiday of the Lord?” 
(Essentially, we don’t celebrate it at church, but Veggie Tales talks about it...and do we get it off school?)
On Anatomy
(after Cyndie’s hysterectomy)
So it’s a ‘wombectomy’? And now you have that hollow space in your innards. 
My last baby tooth will fall out in January or February. I guess you can say I am in tune with my body. (While sitting in the back of the car, wiggling the stubborn tooth.)
On Diet 
I’m not picky. I’m just… specific.