What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great Dane!

I have been gone for a couple of days and came home to a couple of classic quotes today.

First, Dane had been outside. When he came in Cyndie was making no-bake cookies and flatbread. Dane said, "Mmmm... something smells good in the steak of Denmark!"

Second, I was on the road last week during the Innauguration and grabbed a Tuesday and Wednesday copy of USA Today (each with President Obama on the cover.) I thought they'd make good visual aides for talking with the kids about how government works, how blessed we are to live in a country where we get to elect our leaders and such. I asked Dane who was in the picture. He matter-of-factly said, "Obama, our President." So I followed up with a question about how he got to be President. Dane shrugged and asked, "Stopped smoking?"

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