What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Friday, November 27, 2009

OmaHeck: The Blogpology

It has been *several* months since I last updated the OmaHeck blog.

By several, I mean that I have made roughly 3 entries since June. Dane will tell you that "several" means 5-7, but more like 7. Because he needs to know how long until we arrive.

Recently, I have come under serious fire for my blogging, or lack thereof. Both Sister and MIL have noted on numerous occasions that there isn't any update when they check the site. Before I go missing, or have some strange accident befall me, blog updates must occur.

I really have no excuse. I come from a writing lineage. There are several published authors in my family, even in my generation. Writing is fun. And it isn't like nothing is happening in our little neck of the world... it's just that I have been busy. Yep, you heard right. When forced to prioritize, the blog got my vote for something I could live without updating. For a list of other things that were prioritized below the "gotta get done" line, see my lack of exercise, lack of yard work and son who still refuses to ride without training wheels.

Here's the real skinny (not talking about my wife here, this is a metphor, because the rest of you don't understand when I say "here's the bag of food" - love ya baby!): In July I took on a new job. Same company, same title, same office, same contact info, etc. I just inherited all my partner's accounts as he took a new role in our organization. It has also been recruiting season. I am the head recruiter for Union Pacific at BYU, and that takes some time. Opportunities abound. I am excited as the first 6 months of this one close out. However, I get emails about once a week from someone in another time zone that says something like "Dude, go to bed!" Usually, I'm way ahead of them: wireless and blackberry let me do email in bed!

So today I am working, but now I am taking a break. The reality is I probably do too much of the former and inefficiently manage how I do the latter. My guess is that I could find a week long course in how to do both with better yield. Fact is, I took a day off yesterday so I could go to the office, shut my door and turn off my phone and get to some things that needed to be complete before Thanksgiving. I did go to the Temple before I went in to work, so that worked well for me!

Not complaining! Just stating facts. I like my job more than I have liked any before it. And right now, I am feeling really blessed to be there.

In the interest of keeping you interested, here's a list of things you can expect to see in short order on this blog (and for those who would rather follow on Facebook, these entries will be automatically posted to my FB account, which you can access at www.facebook.com/Anderprise):
  • Disneyland Vacation
  • Franny K
  • Dallas
  • Halloween
  • MLB All Star Game
  • Instant Replay in Baseball
See you on the blog side


Becca said...

Welcome back. It's good to find you al again...

Becca said...

Um... that was "all again". You know.

Britt said...

Yay...an update. It was so fun to see you guys the other night! Can't wait to see photos of your fun with family!