What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

OmaHeck: Secret Stuff

This morning I was lying in bed trying to decide whether it was time to get up and get ready for church or not.

There was a rustling in the hallway and I was pretty sure Tate had made his way down the hall. He never made it to our room, but I heard him open Dane's door. With paternal discresion, I called out "Don't wake up your Brother!" To which an already awake Dane responded with a "chirp."

Shortly thereafter (I still haven't decided at this point that it's time to get up) I hear Dane belting out Led Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll": It's been a long time since I rock and rolled. It's been a long time since I did the stroll. Oh baby, let me get back, Let me get back, Let me get back...

When I asked him later to sing some more, he looked at me cock-eyed and informed me in no uncertain terms, "That, my friend, is classified."

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