What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tate's Take

Hello and welcome to our latest installment of Tate's Take.

This episode brought to you by the good folks at the Cattlemen's Beef Board and the Beef Council. Beef: It's What's for Dinner!

The following in an unabridged and unedited persuasive essay written by Tate.

Did you know? Meat is heathyer than plants. Acorrding to me and meat eaters. I get heathy muscles. I eat a lot of meat, because meat is good.

Meet me please (ha ha). Help us with more meat. Please meet me is a joke. Plant eater have more fate.

Meat gives you protein. Put meat on the grill. Tell smart people.

Ask the butcher he knows. Tell him meat is heathy. Some veggies and other plants are heathy too.

That's my advice. Tell that to people who like barbecues. So if you want to be strong eat meat.
So if you are wondering what Tate wants to eat, your are pretty safe if you offer something that stated as a cow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

OmaHeck: Dane Can Say It!

Since I just posted a long list of Tate quotes, here are some Dane-isms from recent days.

When he wants to know about something, he goes in head first. He kind of immerses himself in the issue and becomes something of an expert. This excerpt came when D was highly focused on Tokyo's most famous monster, and at the same time asked Music Momma a classic rock question.

"Wow, you sure remember a lot of things for a person who doesn't remember very much about Godzilla movies."


Those of you who have spent time around Dane won't really believe this, but it is 100% authentic:

"Boy, I sure am getting tired from talking so much!"


Here's a combo from the boys together talking to their mom.

Tate: Did I spy on you as a spirit? Did I spy on you watching your favorite shows?
Dane: Yeah, me too! And we came down from Heaven when you didn't even suspect it!

OmaHecks: Awesome Tate Quotes (warning: very LONG)

I know it has been a while. Some good stuff is saved up. No promises, but I'll try and do better.

These are all from Tate. He's been on a roll lately. They date back a while, but like NBC TV, if you haven't seen it, it's new to you!

We'll start with two from today (I'm partial to FIFO inventory systems , but I'm going LIFO on this one).

While he and I were passing the Sacrament in Church today, T looks at me and semi-whispers: "Bellatrix pretends to be an innocent woman."

Now tell me, does this look like an innocent woman?I don't think so. It was just so random. Classic Tate.

Then, just a few minutes later, this gem: "I like the presents at Christmas... and also the feasts!"

Recall the the point of the Sacrament ordinance (Communion, The Lord's Supper, most Christian religions have something similar) is to remember Christ. Gentle reader (not Gentile reader, I'm not going there) how on earth am I supposed to be Christ-focused with this kind of hilarity being whispered into my ear?


Shortly before Christmas, Cyndie and Tate were wrapping Tate's gift to Dane. They are quietly whispering to be covert. Tate is giggling, chirping and bouncing around. Apparently he could take it no longer when his arm start flapping above his head (no quite as though they are disconnected at the shoulders, but almost). Cyndie asks what's going on, and it that same loud whisper he tells her, "I'm acting casual!"


My parents came up to take the boys on an adventure. Open skate wasn't until 8 pm, so we decided to go bowling. JetBlue had reserved all the lanes until 9 (thanks JB, appreciate that you are taking care of your employees) so we had to find an alternative. Fortunately, the local Fat Cats bowling alley also has an arcade. The kind with tickets and over-priced prized you can use the tickets to redeem. We played games with Grandpa and Grandma for a while, ordered some pizza, and headed to the car.

As we left the building, we saw some girls standing outside the entrance (no word on whether their parents work for JetBlue). They offered salutations: Hi Tate! Hey Tate! Merry Christmas Tate!

To get the full effect of his response, allow me to paint a mental picture for you:
He looked away, pointed both arms toward the gaggle (one away from his body and the other across his chest) and said simply, "Hey chicks, nice jackets!"

Dane followed that with "'S'up?" and a slight shrug. Oi!

I thought I was going to die! I had never heard him say something like that... especially with the Joe Cool attitude. It was hilarious. Being the diligent patent I am, I asked Tate if he thought that was maybe just a little rude. (He didn't.) Or whether he might have something a bit more conversational to say. (Again, no.) The girls were unphased. They giggled and said it was OK, that he was in their classes at school.


Over the summer, we had a family reunion. The whole famdamily. All 62 of us. Patriarch, Matriach, 10 kids, 10 spouses, 40 grandkids. It was an exercise in togetherness :P Really Together.

Actually, it was lots of fun. Others have done better in their blogging, journaling, and general reminiscing about it. My kids haven't really stopped talking about it, and list it among the best trips ever (right up there with Disney Land, Great Wolf Lodge, and finding a cotton candy vendor... just so you have perspective).

Among the "together" things we did was take a family picture. No small accomplishment. This post is already long, but I'm going to let you in on some family picture taking history.

Once, when the colors had been pre-determined, a sibling called for a pre-picture discussion of what everyone was wearing. At least half of those with children at the time listed a color other than those that had been pre-authorized. And none of them matched each other.

Another time, it was determined that we would wear "jeans and solid pastel shirts." Pretty hard to screw that one up. And we didn't. Picture still hangs in several houses. Looks like a skittles factory exploded.
So in our patriotic best, (red, white, and blue, not Tea Party duds) we stood, sat, stacked and squished, and rearranged and swapped, squished some more, then we tried to get kids to look and smile and... I bet you can picture it, can't you! It's a nice picture. We are standing against the brick wall of a church that is 100+ years old.

Finally it went off. Woo Hoo! Until someone suggested another picture, this one on the stairs leading up to the former main entrance of the church. Cyndie and I, being among the tallers were put in the back. All the kids were put up front. We had no access to them. After one picture, Tate decides he's done. He takes off.

Several looks at Cyndie and I. What would you like us to do, our looks reply. We're here 20' off the ground and you are all in our way! Perhaps one of you would like to go get him? Ha Ha!

Sweet niece Maren gently goes after him to coax, invite, cajole, (unfortunately she hasn't really learned bribing yet), and get him back in the fold for more picture taking. Of course she was unsuccessful. He ran off with the arms flailing above his head (think ET) and yelled at his cousin: "You are so FIRED!"