What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Great Wolf Break

As I mentioned in the last post, our boys have been on spring break for the last week. I was able to arrange my schedule and we took off for a couple of days. We drove to Kansas City and hit the Great Wolf Lodge http://www.greatwolflodge.com/. One of the greatest inventions of all time.

The wind and snow whipped outside, then there was a thunderstorm. Meanwhile, we were carelessly playing in a wonderful waterworld (and I'm not talking Kevin Costner).

What could be better than having 1000 gallons of water pound you on the head every 5 minutes? Maybe riding a river through a pitch black tube while rocketing around corners and hitting sharp drop-offs that make your heart skip a beat? For the more timid, riding on a floating donut around a lazy river. Or playing in the treehouse where every corner has a tool to splash, dump or spray someone, but beware, standing still long enough to use the tools makes you a target as well!

We had a great time together and a load of fun. We are both water logged and a bit dehydrated, but anxious for our next trip.

1 comment:

Ryan Anderson said...

Mmmm, looks like fun! We are still waiting for the snow to melt here in Minnesota. Glad you had a great trip.