What is an OmaHeck...

It is likely you have never heard of an OmaHeck. We kind of made it up. Here's a little history:

When I moved to Utah in 1990, I was introduced to a brand new phrase: "Oh my heck!" I guess it means "wow", "no way", or "that's surprising." It serves as a multi-purpose expression and possibly a swear :-0 (as in "Oh my heck, you are a jerk!)

When the family left Utah and settled in Omaha, NE (2004), we became "OmaHecks."

Monday, March 31, 2008

Family Events

Waiting for Brother. The loyal fans await Tate's triumphant return from school.

And a great Family Puzzle Night. This Transformers puzzle has been framed and hangs on a D-Max wall.
I have no idea what is going on here, but it was a fun picture of Dane and me, so I included it.

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